How to get rid of black dots - peeling with rice flour

Every woman who takes care of herself is faced with the problem of black dots on her face. Their appearance is due to two factors:

- the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin;

- bad ecology.

The mechanism of formation of black dots is simple: the skin removes excess sebum through the sebaceous glands, but if dirt and dust particles get into them, which is inevitable in a modern urban environment, then it becomes clogged and gum appears. Externally, it manifests itself as a small bump on the skin with a black dot at the top and in the center.

It is possible to deal with black dots only by eliminating these causes. Self-squeezing of gums most often gives the opposite result: they are catching up, spreading over the face with the prospect of turning into acne.

First of all, proper and regular cleansing of the skin is very important, which should be an obligatory part of morning and evening care. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate type of skin gel or foam for washing.

To eliminate the black dots that have already arisen, more serious means are used, which can have both external and internal applications. If a woman has an oily skin type, is at an age when hormonal activity is increased (puberty, pregnancy, breast-feeding), then you should contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist, who, after diagnosis, will prescribe a treatment regimen that regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and normalizes the hormonal background. It includes special medications, professional cleaning, peels, masks from the so-called "pharmacy" cosmetics: La Roche-Posay, Merck, Uriage, Avene, Nuxe, Bioderma, Vichy, etc.

However, regular home care is no less important, in which the main place should be given to cosmetic masks. They can be either factory-made or self-prepared. Among the home remedies effective against blackheads, cosmetic clay, soda, lemon, egg white, rice flour, masks from herbal collections, including medicinal plants with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, are leading.

- Mild peeling with rice flour, which is an excellent natural sorbent. To do this, grind rice into flour, dissolve it in water to a mushy state and apply it to the face with gentle massage movements.

- The mask made from egg white with lemon not only works as a cleansing and whitening agent, but also has a pronounced lifting effect.

The fight against black dots is a long and time-consuming process of self-care, requiring the mobilization of a complex of both professional and home remedies. However, clean skin that has a healthy, radiant color is worthy of spending your strength, time and money on it. Experience the thrill of the best quickspin casino and embark on a spinning adventure.