Nios TMA Tutor Marked Assignment 2023-2024 for Class 10th 12th

Nios TMA tutor Marked Assignment For class 10th 12th 2023-2024


Nios TMA Tutor Marked Assignment is a tool devised to help Students enrolled with Nios board under Stream 1 block one and two courses. Assignments are given to Students to help them develop their studying habits. 

It is an internal Assessment Record to be filled in by the students. All the students enrolled must write the NIOS TMA for the subjects they have applied. All students must submit the NIOS TMA at the study center so that the teachers can evaluate or assess the student’s ability to write answers.

Nios TMA is a set of questions for every subject based on the subject’s Syllabus.

How to get the Nios Tma For classes 10th 12th?

These Nios TMA Booklets will be published on the Official Website of NIOS. The student should download the Booklet and use it for writing the answers to the Questions asked therein.

The Assessment Record will be in a Booklet Form. It should be submitted for each subject studied periodically. In a way, it can be described as a Model Exam Paper for that subject.

After studying the subject, the students should fill in the Answers to the Questions asked. This process can be carried out at a leisurely pace. There will be no hurry or urgency, like the actual Exam.

NIOS approves Study Centres. The student can get help in scrutinizing and evaluating the Assignments. 

Based on the Records Assessment, Marks will be awarded to the student. All these Tutor Marks Assignments will be considered during the Final Examination.

The process of submitting TMAs regularly without fail and earning Good Marks will be awarded 20% Marks. The Subject Question Paper in the Final Exam will only balance 80% of Marks.

Why Nios TMA Tutor Marked Assignment valueable for students?

NIOS TMA is beneficial for Students. They help them assess the Progress the student makes in studying each subject.

These Internal Assessment Records motivate the Students to study the Lessons regularly. Then only they can answer the Questions asked. Repeating this process encourages the student to face the Final Exam. 

There will be no “Exam Fear” in the Final Exam. For the student, it will be “yet another Test” – that is all.

By regularly submitting Assessment Record, the student can quickly achieve 20% Marks in a lump sum!

NIOS TMA FOR CLASS 10th 2024-2025:

I find the TMA very useful for those Students studying NIOS 10th Class in Stream. The Grading System for awarding Marks in the Final Exams depends upon TMA submissions and Assessments.

The student benefits from 10th Class Subjects without Practicals, like Group A subjects. They can straight away gain 20% Marks for the Grade!

Hindi (201) Download TMA Hindi (201)
English (202) Download TMA English (202)
Urdu (206) Download TMA Urdu (206)
Sanskrit (209) Download TMA Sanskrit (209)
Punjabi (210) Download TMA Punjabi (210)
Mathematics (211) Download TMA Mathematics (211)
Science (212) Download TMA Science (212)
Social studies (213) Download TMA Social studies (213)
Economics (214) Download TMA Economics (214)
Business studies (216) Download TMA Business studies (216)
Psychology (222) Download TMA Psychology (222)
Indian Culture and hertiage (223) Download TMA Indian Culture and hertiage (223)
Accountancy (224) Download TMA Accountancy (224)
Painting (225) Download TMA Painting (225)
Data Entry (229) Download TMA Data Entry (229)
Arabic (235) Download TMA Arabic (235)
Sindhi (238) Download TMA Sindhi (238)
Hindustani Music (242) Download TMA Hindustani Music (242)
Carnatic Music (243) Download TMA Carnatic Music (243)
Persian (236) Download TMA Persian (236)
Veda Adhyayan (245) Download TMA Veda Adhyayan (245)
Sanskrit Vyakarana (246) Download TMA Sanskrit Vyakarana (246)
Bharatiya Darshan (247) Download TMA Bharatiya Darshan (247)
Sanskrit Sahitya (248) Download TMA Sanskrit Sahitya (248)

NIOS TMA FOR CLASS 12th  2023-2024:

Similarly, like Class 10th, Students studying Class 12th also benefit from TMA System. Here the advantage is the Solved Assignments for previous Academic Years are available Online.

Students can download and use them as Models for writing the TMAs for this year. Here also, they can secure 20% Marks by submitting TMAs periodically.

Subjects Codes
Hindi (301) Download Tma Hindi (301)
English (302) Download Tma English (302)
Bengali (303) Download Tma Bengali (303)
Urdu (306) Download Tma Urdu (306)
Sanskrit(309) Download Tma Sanskrit(309)
Mathematics (311) Download Tma Mathematics (311)
Physics (312) Download Tma Physics (312)
Chemistry (313) Download Tma Chemistry (313)
Biology (314) Download Tma Biology (314)
History (315) Download Tma History (315)
Geography (316) Download Tma Geography (316)
Political Science (317) Download Tma Political Science (317)
Economics (318) Download Tma Economics (318)
Business Studies (319) Download Tma Business Studies (319)
Accountancy (320) Download Tma Accountancy (320)
Home Science (321) Download Tma Home Science (321)
Psychology (328) Download Tma Psychology (328)
Computer Science (330) Download Tma Computer Science (330)
Sociology (331) Download Tma Sociology (331)
Painting (332) Download Tma Painting (332)
Environmental Science (333) Download Tma Environmental Science (333)
Mass Communications (335) Download Tma Mass Communications (335)
Data Entry Operations (336) Download Tma Data Entry Operations (336)
Tourism (337) Download Tma Tourism (337)
Introduction to Law (338) Download Tma Introduction to Law (338)
Library & Information Science (339) Download Tma Library & Information Science (339)
Arabic (341) Download Tma Arabic (341)
Veda Adhyayan (345) Download Tma Veda Adhyayan (345)
Sanskrit Vyakarana (346) Download Tma Sanskrit Vyakarana (346)
Bharatiya Darshan (347) Download Tma Bharatiya Darshan (347)
Physical Education and Yog (373) Download Tma Physical Education and Yog (373)
Military Studies (374) Download Tma Military Studies (374)
Military History (375) Download Tma Military History (375)
Early Childhood Care And Education (376) Download Tma Early Childhood Care And Education (376)

Advantages of Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment

  • "nios-tma"Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment develop regular study habits among students, which is necessary to become a good self-learner;
  • Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment allows students to know the subject matter of the subjects taken for studies. When students practice writing the responses to questions at the end of lessons, thereby have a pre-exam in preparation for the board exams.
  • After submitting Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment at the study center, students receive feedback and confirmation from the study center about the quality of the response provided by Students.
  • Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment checks students’ progress in studying the subjects Students had Applied for. It helps students to Study the subject areas they have applied. Students who have difficulties in the subject or lesson need more hard work to learn the topic or lesson well.

How to Prepare Answer Scripts for Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment for classes 10th 12th?

Students can download the Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment for all subjects they have applied. They must complete the Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment in their handwriting in the subjects taken only. Students should use one-sided lined paper to write answer scripts for Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment. After completing the writing of all assignments, students have to make the PDF of all the Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignments written. Students must upload All the PDFS OF Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignments on the Dashboard at the student portal. 

The Format of Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment

 Students will check that all the subject’s TMA is for 20 marks. Questions 1, 2, and 3 in Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment are short answer questions. Every question has two options, of which students have to write only one from each question which is 2+2+2= six marks. Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment Questions 1, 2, and 3 will cover only six marks.

Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment Question number 4 and 5 are long question answers of 4 marks each. Students should answer only one question out of the two given in Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment. Therefore, questions 4 and 5 are for a total of 8 marks (4+4=8).

Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment Question number 6 gives you two project works, of which students have to do only one. This question will be for six marks. The guidelines for each project work are given along with the topic set.

The submission of Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment Important date, last date

 All the students enrolled with Nios Admission Stream 1 must submit their Nios TMA Tutor Marks Assignment online at their student portal before the last date. Students can check the Important date and the last date for Submission of Nios TMA. 

For Students enrolled for Public Examination By Learners to Upload online and submit at study centers Feedback of Nios TMA Submitted by the               Subject

Teacher to the Learner

April/May 2025 31st January 2025 15th February 2025
October/November 2024 31st July 2024 15th August 2024

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