Patrachar Vidyalaya CBSE Exams Schedule, Date Sheet, Admit Card 10th / 12th 2025-26


CBSE Private Patrachar Vidyalaya Admit Card – CBSE Exams Schedule Date Sheet Admit card for March will be declared by the CBSE BOARD. All the Students appearing in CBSE BOARD EXAM for class 10th / 12th can collect admit card from schools and institutions where they are enrolled. Regular School Students can collect the Admit Card from their respective Schools. The Patrachar Vidyalaya Students can collect the Admit Card from their Patrachar Vidyalaya School concerned. The Students applied for Private Admission and those applying for Improvement Exams can download the Admit Card, from the website of the CBSE directly with the help of Kapoor Study Circle.


CBSE Board 10th and 12th Exams Date Schedule:

CBSE undertakes the responsibility of conducting Annual Public Exams for 10th Standard and 12th Standard. CBSE holds overall control of all the Schools in the country, both owned by Private Sector and Government Education Departments, in all the States.
So for the information of CBSE Students the CBSE Board releases Notifications of announcements, periodically. The Students should be regularly watching these Notifications, if they are trying for admission individually
But the easiest option is to approach Kapoor Study Circle, and leave the responsibility of getting you admitted in the preferred and eligible CBSE Course – either 10th Standard or 12th Standard and be relaxed.
These Public Exams are common for all CBSE Board Schools; CBSE Patrachar Vidyalaya Schools in Delhi region; Private Students who have joined in their Correspondence Courses, through Distant Education Directorate and also Students who have already Passed the Courses, but want to write the Exams again, for improvement and enhancement of their Marks.

CBSE Exam Date Schedule and Date Sheet:

In respect of the Academic Year, the CBSE has announced in the Press that the Public Exams will be held in March (not in February as previously expected). Normally the Exam dates for 10th and 12th Standards will commence in the 1st week of March and end in the same month.
The Duration of Exam time will be 3 hours uniformly for 10th and 12th Standards, from 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM.
Kapoor Study Circle expert professionals are keenly watching the Notifications released by CBSE Board, and will promptly intimate the aspiring Students seeking the help for getting Direct Admission in 10th and 12th Standards.

CBSE Board Exam Date Sheet | CBSE Exams Schedule | Admit Card for CBSE BOARD Exam | Cbse Board Exam Date | Patrachar Vidyalaya admit Card

Patrachar Vidyalaya Admit Card, CBSE Private Admit Card

CBSE Admit card for regular school, Patrachar Vidyalaya, Private, Improvement exams students.


CBSE Private Patrachar vidyalaya Admit Card  – Aspiring Students who have taken admission in Patrachar Vidyalaya GTB Nagar Outram lane can get their CBSE Admit card, roll number for final board exam from Patrachar vidyalaya GTB Nagar Outram lane after 15th of February. All the Patrachar Vidyalaya students must take their P.V. CARD and PCP classes attendance along with them And can collect the Admit Card from their Patrachar Vidyalaya School concerned. The Students applied for Private Admission and those applying for Improvement Exams can download the Admit Card, from the website of the CBSE directly with the help of Kapoor Study Circle.Regular School Students can collect the Admit Card from their respective Schools.

CBSE – Central Board of Secondary education’s Role

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is the Apex Body in regulating Education of High School-level Students. In this endeavour, the Board has a broad outlook in respect of educating the young children, studying in Private and Government Schools with lots of dreams about their future.
By their generous approach that Education should not be denied to any Student in the country, just because they did not get Pass Marks in one Class of Study, CBSE has enormous flexibility to admit even Students failed in 9th Standard or 11th Standard, in 10th Standard and 12th Standard, respectively.
Kapoor Study Circle makes best use of this rare opportunity, to light up the darkened life of lots of fail Students.

CBSE Board 10th and 12th Exams Date Schedule:

CBSE undertakes the responsibility of conducting Annual Public Exams for 10th Standard and 12th Standard. CBSE holds overall control of all the Schools in the country, both owned by Private Sector and Government Education Departments, in all the States.
So for the information of CBSE Students the CBSE Board releases Notifications of announcements, periodically. The Students should be regularly watching these Notifications, if they are trying for admission individually
But the easiest option is to approach Kapoor Study Circle, and leave the responsibility of getting you admitted in the preferred and eligible CBSE Course – either 10th Standard or 12th Standard and be relaxed.
These Public Exams are common for all CBSE Board Schools; Patrachar Vidyalaya Schools in Delhi region; Private Students who have joined in their Correspondence Courses, through Distant Education Directorate and also Students who have already Passed the Courses, but want to write the Exams again, for improvement and enhancement of their Marks.

CBSE Exams Schedule | CBSE Exam Admit Card | exam date 2026 10th / 12th CBSE BOARD

Exam Date Schedule and Date Sheet:

In respect of the Academic Year 2025-26, the CBSE has announced in the Press that the Public Exams will be held in March 2026 (not in February as previously expected). Normally the Exam dates for 10th and 12th Standards will commence in the 1st week of March and end in the same month.
The Duration of Exam time will be 3 hours uniformly for 10th and 12th Standards, from 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM.
Kapoor Study Circle expert professionals are keenly watching the Notifications released by CBSE Board, and will promptly intimate the aspiring Students seeking the help for getting Direct Admission in 10th and 12th Standards.

Patrachar vidyalaya, CBSE Patrachar Admit Card

Aspiring Students for Direct Admission in CBSE Patrachar Vidyalaya Schools and Correspondence Course for the Academic Year have to submit their Application Online. The Directorate of CBSE will announce the date of issuance of Online Application shortly – in January
After scrutinizing the Application for correctness, an Admit Card will be issued to the Students, as a token of receiving their Application for Admission and permitting them to join the respective Course – in 10th or 12th Standard.

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